Measuring Efficiency of Tea Retail
Chain Stores: Application of Data
Envelopment Analysis
Prasanth R Kumar
, Silky Doda
, P Janaki Ramudu
and Lokanadha Reddy Irala
PUBLISHED : 26 Feb 2024
The paper aims to determine the technical efficiency of select beverage (tea) retail chain
stores in India. Further, the study investigates the factors responsible for store inefficiency.
Two Data Envelopment Analysis models: (i) Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes; (ii) Banker,
Charnes and Cooper, were adopted to determine technical and pure technical efficiency of
75 retail tea beverage stores chain owned by a single firm, for two consecutive financial years.
The variables comprise six inputs namely; number of employees, cost of labour, area of
outlet, occupancy cost, other expenses and cost of inventory stock and two outputs, namely;
sales and profit. The results showed that only three stores were found to be technically and
overall technically efficient. The efficient frontiers of the CCR model are plotted on three
stores, whereas 36 stores were plotted under the BCC model. The analysis concludes that
inefficient stores could potentially control occupancy and labour overheads to attain optimum
Key Words
Technical efficiency, Data envelopment analysis, Retail store
Author Biography
Prasanth R Kumar Faculty, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India; and is the corresponding
author. E-mail:
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Silky Doda Student, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Kundli, Haryana, India.
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P Janaki Ramudu Professor, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur, India. E-mail:
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Lokanadha Reddy Irala Faculty, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India.
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