
Exploring Kerala’s Favorite Getaways: Insights into Traveler Behavior and Preferences

Suhail P* and Muneer V K**




This study examines the travel behavior and preferences of Keralites, aiming to identify the most visited tourist destinations, analyze the travel behavior based on gender and age factors, and report the ratings and rankings of visited destinations. The study employed an online survey method to gather data from travelers across Kerala by leveraging their social media platforms. In the end, the survey obtained a total of 2006 respondents for the study. Based on the statistical analysis conducted for the study, the results indicate that Wayanad, Kashmir, and Munnar are the most popular destinations among Keralite travelers. Gender differences were observed in terms of travel preferences, modes, and partners. Age-based analysis revealed diverse preferences and activities among different age segments. Furthermore, the majority of respondents rated their experiences as “Outstanding,” emphasizing the importance of positive destination ratings for tourism marketing and promotion. The implications of these findings include the need for tailored marketing strategies, age-specific tourism products, and continuous monitoring of changing travel preferences. This study contributes to the understanding of Keralites’ travel behavior, providing valuable insights for destination management, marketing, and customer experience enhancement in the tourism industry of different states especially Kerala.

Key Words

Keralite travelers, Tourist destination, Travelers’ behavior, Customer-experience, Tourism industry

Author Biography

Suhail P
Assistant Professor, PG Department of Commerce, Sullamussalam Science College, Kerala, India; and is the corresponding author. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Muneer V K
Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Sullamussalam Science College, Kerala, India; and is the corresponding author. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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