
Restricted Geographical Growth of IT Industry in India: An Institution- Theory Perspective with Special Reference to the City of Nagpur

Shailesh Awale* and Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya**




Information Technology (IT) Industry rapid growth was restricted to certain geographic locations in India like Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and the National Capital Region (NCR). It was important to theoretically and practically comprehend why IT industry did not expand beyond above locations, to the hinterland, like the city of Nagpur located in the center of India. The authors were interested to understand the phenomenon by applying the theoretical framework of institutional theory, along with the perspective of context of competitiveness. The authors adopted the methodological approach of thematic content analysis. Data was collected by undertaking in-depth personal interviews of senior IT business leaders, public administrators and other experts. The purpose of this research was to thematically content-analyse the factors contributing to or inhibiting the growth beyond the above-mentioned metropolises in India. Lack of demonstration of mimetic behaviour, absence of exemplary thought-leadership in the industry by large enterprises led to the restricted growth of the IT industry in Nagpur. The work culture, mindset of low-cost location, competitive wages, focus from leadership and international promotions needed to achieve a higher normative performance behaviour. Furthermore, accelerated government support, investment from extant IT industries was required towards developing improved infrastructure with a long-term perspective.

Key Words

Context of competitiveness, Information technology geographic cluster, Institutional theory, Thematic content analysis

Author Biography

*Shailesh Awale
Doctoral Scholar, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, IIMN Campus, MIHAN Non SEZ, Pin: 441108. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

**Sekhar Bhattacharyya
Professor, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, Faculty Room no: 129, IIMN Campus, MIHAN Non SEZ, Pin: 441108; and is the corresponding author. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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