Factors Affecting the Post-Covid-19 Revisit-Intentions of Tourists in the Coastal Tourism Destinations of Bangladesh: The Moderating Role of Post-Covid-19 Risks Perceptions
Md. Kamrul Hasan*, Rudrendu Ray** and Nayeema Maswood Neela***
This study examines whether the effect of tourists’ post-Covid-19 risk perceptions can change their behavior to revisit the affected tourism destinations in the future. An initiative was taken to empirically measure a moderation effect of tourists’ destination risk perceptions between destination image, tourist attitudes, satisfaction, and intention to revisit coastal-based tourism destinations. Data were collected from Cox’s Bazar beach area, Bangladesh when the Covid-
19 pandemic situation seemed to be improved. A conceptual framework was developed and the relationship between the key constructs used in the framework was examined by a PLS- based SEM. The study reveals that tourists’ attitudes, image perceptions, and satisfaction directly influence their revisiting intentions to coastal destinations; and post-Covid-19 perceived destination risks significantly moderate tourists’ attitudes towards visiting coastal destinations and revisit intention relationships. The findings of the study have made a substantial contribution to the existing knowledge by introducing a new perspective—the impact of destination risks on various factors in the literature on consumer behavior in tourism. These findings can be valuable in developing post-covid marketing strategies for coastal tourism destinations, with the aim of encouraging tourists to revisit coastal destinations.
Key Words
Covid-19 pandemic, Destination image, Perceived destination risk, Post-covid travel, Tourist attitudes, Tourist satisfaction, Revisit intention
Author Biography
*Md. Kamrul Hasan Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Studies, BGMEA University of
Fashion & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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**Rudrendu Ray Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
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***Nayeema Maswood Neela Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Sylhet International University, Sylhet,
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